Advice: Step #2 to Building a Marketing Plan: Get Your Music Right with Jack Hedges


Ok because I can’t help myself, here is part 2 of my favorite interview.

What I want to mention here is picking the singles. As these two pros mention, the decision on who picks the singles varies depending on what your situation is as an artist. As a music fan, I want to say be careful with keeping the selection of a single in your head when your writing music. There are often bands that get one really great song recorded, they choose that for the single and the rest of the album isn’t very great.

Of course, I’m just a music fan and a student of the industry at this point…just my opinion.

Anyone have any other thoughts about Step 2?


Advice: Step #1 to Build your Marketing Plan: Outline your Plan with Jack Hedges

via Renman MB

The marketing nerd in me is so happy with this video! My favorite part is the first 2 parts of the plan having great music to promote and making touring a top priority, it truly is the best marketing tool. Here’s a link to the presentation slides also provided by Renman Music and Business: here

Also have to mention a quote that comes at the end of this video…

Jack: The way grew up consuming music is I would go see bands and get blown away by the show and take the record home and listen to it and relive that show over and over and over again in my head and so that they way I’ve sort of always approached this.

Exactly! You can’t not approach music marketing as a fan. This is what I’ve been doing as a person trying to get my foot in the door in the music business.

My favorite set of videos by far on the subject of music marketing!
